Conference presentations

A look at the nuclear tenderers from their home countries

EDF economic performance and the challenges of new nuclear projects [English] - Yves Marignac, nuclear and energy expert, senior advisor, Institut négaWatt 

U.S. Nuclear Reactor Exports and Westinghouse [English] – Tim Judson, executive director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service

The Risk of APR1000 in Czech [English], Text to the presentation [English] – Jeong-Yoon Lee, president, Nuclear Safety and Future

Failure of the Westinghouse AP1000 Projects in the USA [English] - Tom Clements, director, Savannah River Site Watch 


Panel discussion: Economic, social and other aspects of the Czech nuclear tender

How to pay for the Czech nuclear vision? Potential impacts on the Czech Republic’s national debt and rating. Potential social impacts of the state investment in new reactors. Czech nuclear future as climate salvation? The European Parliament after elections and support to nuclear?

Economic aspects [Czech] - Petr Bartoň, Chief Economist, Natland investment group

Social and political aspects of nuclear energy [Czech] - Vladimír Špidla, Masaryk Democratic Academy, former Czech Prime Minister (ČSSD) and European Commissioner 

What is the role of nuclear energy in solving climate change? [Czech]- Magdalena Davis, Co-Chair of Czech Green Party


The conference was hosted by Marie Bastlová.